Digital Humanities Program Manager @ Yale University
Ph.D. English; M.A. Digital Humanities
I’m an experienced institutional program manager who develops products, teams, and initiatives to further public knowledge in its many forms. I’m passionate about building the community necessary to develop the transformative, ethical technology through which we tell our stories and preserve the human record. I believe that all data—even the place card belonging to Hillary Clinton that I found in the papers of a former university president—tells an important story if given the chance.
In my spare time you can find me assembling Billy bookshelves from IKEA, and limiting my excess computer time mostly to keep from adopting more dogs than my apartment will currently hold.
At the Yale Digital Humanities Lab, I develop strategic partnerships to build innovative, user-centered digital products that responsibly visualize data, educate users, and surface hidden narratives and bias. Recent project partners include: Yale Quantum Institute, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Fortunoff Video Archive for Holocaust Testimonies, Oxford University, the Ashmolean Museum, the University of Edinburgh, the New Haven Museum, and the New Haven Building Archive.
I coordinate public events and workshops on data feminism, responsible AI and its creative potential, open data, and data visualization in order to build community around and increase public understanding of best data practices.
My research explores the poetics of code from the 19th century to the present, and focuses on the intersection of material culture and technology. I designed and built a digital dissertation that presents poems as interactive media that create the human record, turning Emily Dickinson’s immersive envelope poems into interactive digital objects, Herman Melville’s notoriously circuitous Moby-Dick into a hyperlinked Choose Your Own Adventure story, Frances E.W. Harper’s newspaper poems into digital ephemera, and Walt Whitman’s engrossing and fragmentary autobiography into a blog.
I have taught courses on digital culture and American poems, and lead workshops on ethical, accessible digital humanities project development.